Looking Back on a Year of Community Support and Gratitude

As we look ahead to the new year, we reflect on the incredible generosity and support we received from our many supporters in the past year. The unwavering commitment to our cause has made a profound impact on the families we serve. With the help, we can continue to do good and give back to those in need.

From the bottom of our hearts, we want to express our deepest gratitude for your ongoing support. Together, we will make a difference in the lives of families in need and create a brighter future for our community.

Wishing you all a joyful and prosperous New Year filled with love, happiness, and countless opportunities to make a positive impact.


Relive the incredible moments from our 36th anniversary celebration


A wonderful Book Share Talk, "Masked Hero: How Wu Lien-teh Invented the Mask That Ended an Epidemic"